COVID-19 Procedures
The novel coronavirus, COVID-19 has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organisation and is extremely contagious. It is believed to spread by person to person contact.
The guidelines are rapidly changing. However, both the government and our regulatory body the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy permit us to carry out face to face consultations. However, you are most welcome to request an online consultation instead.
We understand that other professions and other sectors operate differently. Please feel free to discuss this with your physiotherapist.
Masks: It is not compulsory to wear a face mask, although it is recommended. We may choose to wear one too during your appointment, especially if you tell us you are clinically vulnerable or we are carrying out close proximity work.
Your Medical Health:
We are obliged to minimise the transmission risk to others and to screen for possible COVID-19 symptoms.
Please read through the below symptoms and high-risk categories and confirm that you do not currently have these symptoms or conditions.
COVID-19 symptoms:

If you have answered yes to any of the above, it is advised that you currently continue with online appointments only and do not attend the clinic for a face to face consultation.
High risk groups
If you have travelled off island, please ensure you have carried out an LFT prior to your physiotherapy appointment or class.
If advised to isolate, please do not attend the clinic.
How are we mitigating the risk of COVID-19 transmission?
We will question you every time you come to the clinic regarding your general health
We will postpone your appointment if we suspect that you have COVID-19 symptoms.
We will endeavour to facilitate 1 metre physical distancing within the clinic, by furniture and equipment repositioning.
We have maximised flow through the clinic
We have removed many possible sources of cross contamination e.g. removal of toys and magazines
We are sanitising the waiting area between clients
We are politely requesting that you not bring friends or relatives with you unless absolutely necessary. The only exceptions are interpreters or carers.
We are adequately trained in the donning, doffing and safe disposal of PPE
We will practice good hand hygiene
We will wear PPE as instructed by Government and based upon our Risk Assessments, both in our daily interactions with each other and with you.
We will carry out daily temperature checks on each staff member on arrival at work in the event of illness
We have risk assessed all rooms with regards to numbers of people to ensure physical distancing in the gym and studio can be maintained
We will sanitise all touch surfaces in the treatment rooms, gym and studio after each client.
We have invested in Hepa Filters in each of the clinical rooms to minimise transmission risk through airborne spread.
We will work with the Contact Tracing Team should a COVID-19 case be linked to the JSSC
We will minimise the close contact time spent with you.
The risks of attending an assessment and/or treatment at the clinic:
The above measures are implemented to mitigate the transmission risk. Should you require our full policies please ask and we will gladly share them with you.
Although the community infection rate in Jersey is relatively low, there is risk of infection when outside the home, when coming into contact with individuals you do not live with and environments where contamination could have taken place by an infected individual.
Whilst we are doing our utmost to prevent anyone with COVID-19 symptoms entering the clinic, it is plausible that this could happen.
As such, you are requested to inform us immediately should you develop COVID-19 related symptoms within 14 days of your face to face session. We are obliged to retain data and submit to the Contact Tracing Team if required.
Please feel free to ask your Physiotherapist any questions you may have regarding the above. We would be glad to answer your questions.
Our Mission
We are a team of highly experienced Chartered Physiotherapists; professionals who will treat you with honesty, integrity and respect, each and every time you see us.
As a team, we offer an extensive breadth and depth of expertise and experience. We will work in partnership with you. We want to foster long term relationships with you, your GP, Consultants, employers, coaches or trainers, giving you the best holistic, joined up care. Together we will help you to maximise your potential, performance and wellbeing to help you achieve your goals.