Tennis Elbow- Frustratingly, I can’t even take the carton of milk from the fridge!

Feb 24, 2024

Are you experiencing elbow pain that just won’t go away? It might be tennis elbow, and no, you don’t have to be a tennis player to suffer from it! In fact, less than 5% of tennis elbow cases actually occur in tennis players. So, what exactly is tennis elbow and how can you find relief? Let’s dive in.

Tennis elbow can be a pesky condition caused by overuse of the muscles in your arm and forearm. It can affect anyone who repeatedly uses their elbow, wrist, and hand for work, sports, or hobbies. The good news is that the JSSC physiotherapists are here to help you gently heal the affected areas, build muscle strength, and avoid further injury. Plus, a recent study found that choosing physiotherapy for tennis elbow is more effective than steroid injections and is cost-effective.

So, how do you know if you have tennis elbow? Look out for symptoms like pain radiating from the outside of your elbow into your forearm and wrist, increased pain or difficulty when using your wrist and hand for everyday activities, elbow stiffness, and weakness in the forearm, wrist, or hand. If any of these sound familiar, it’s time to seek help.

When you visit one of our physiotherapists, they will assess your elbow and other areas of your body that may be contributing to your pain. They’ll perform special tests to pinpoint the exact location of the problem and may even design an exercise program for you to continue at home. The goal is to improve mobility, strengthen muscles, and educate you on how to modify your activities to avoid pain and injury.

For those of you who love to swing a tennis racket, fear not! Your physiotherapist can analyse the source of your specific condition and work with you to make any needed adjustments to your form, training, or equipment. This will help ensure your safe and effective return to the court.

Now, can tennis elbow be prevented? Absolutely! By staying fit, using proper techniques in your sport or job, and using equipment designed well for your body type and activity level, you can help prevent this nagging condition. And if you’ve had tennis elbow in the past, physiotherapy can help reduce the risk of reinjury by ensuring tendons have fully healed, muscle strength and joint mobility have been restored, and hitting skills and racquet technique are on point.

The key takeaway here is that physiotherapists are movement experts who are dedicated to improving your quality of life through hands-on care, patient education, and prescribed movement. So, if you’re dealing with tennis elbow or any other musculoskeletal issue, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. You can Book now

Remember, early treatment is crucial for a speedy recovery, so don’t let that elbow pain linger. With the right care and guidance from a physiotherapist, you’ll be back to doing the activities you love in no time. Here’s to healthy, pain-free elbows!