The final few weeks before the Marathon

The final few weeks before the Marathon

This is a key time in the race preparation. The answer is quite simple, prepare and practice. If you have a niggle in your last long run, get it sorted.  Remember on Race day you will run 26 miles so now is the time to get the right advice from an experienced Sports...
What’s the Best Nutrition for the Marathon?

What’s the Best Nutrition for the Marathon?

This information is adapted from the work of Julia Mainstone, a Sports Nutritionist. The following is a guideline only. Please seek professional advice prior to commencing a Marathon. Nutrition plays a big part in getting the best results from training and achieving...
Park Run Testimonial

Park Run Testimonial

How often do we hear “the dog ate my homework” or the adult equivalent that is “I don’t have time to exercise”? Each day we find strategies to help clients incorporate regular activity into their daily schedules and to incorporate specific exercise programmes to help...
The Science of getting strong and preventing injury

The Science of getting strong and preventing injury

“This is even more relevant today as we stay in a lockdown for a few more weeks. One Jersey-based physiotherapist was preaching the powers of the strength and conditioning exercise long before it hit the mainstream, and is this year celebrating 10 years of helping...
Running together

Running together

Like most exercise rituals, running has had its fads. It’s no longer simply the case of strapping on a pair of trainers and hitting the road, experts will have you believe you need the RIGHT trainers, the RIGHT diet and run the RIGHT way in order to get results....