Top 10 tips to a healthier back

Top 10 tips to a healthier back

Remember that prevention is better than cure -follow the 20:20 rule: every 20 minutes move for 20 seconds When you experience back pain, try to continue your normal activities as much as you can When in pain keep active and take over the counter medication (always...
15 things you didn’t know about back pain

15 things you didn’t know about back pain

Scientific research in the area of back pain has progressed in recent times and it is challenging widespread beliefs held about the condition that seems to plague so many people. Back pain is common and normal Eighty percent of people will experience an episode of...
Advice for back pain issues in the workplace

Advice for back pain issues in the workplace

Here is a list of simple do’s and don’ts from the HSE that will help you deal with back pain issues in the workplace. For more information please contact Nigel Mann 01534 490312 at The Jersey Sports & Spinal Clinic. Q. What can I do to help a worker...