Do you have a pang in your posterior?

Do you have a pang in your posterior?

A pain in the butt? Strikingly, pain on the outside of the hip affects 1 in 4 women between the ages of 50 and 70 and is most prevalent in menopausal women as the levels of oestrogen change. These stats are representative of what we treat in the clinic in this...
Nuisance Rotator Cuff Injuries and Rehab in Jersey

Nuisance Rotator Cuff Injuries and Rehab in Jersey

Shoulder pain for us Jersey folk can be a real pain in the neck (or rather, shoulder). And one of the most common culprits behind this discomfort is a rotator cuff injury. It’s like a sneaky little troublemaker that can creep up on you over time, or it can come...

Is good posture overrated as a reason for back pain?

Are you tired of being told to sit up straight and fix your posture to avoid back pain? Well, you may be surprised to learn that good posture may not be as important as we once thought. For ages, bad posture has been vilified. It has been directly assumed to be the...